Why not make a home made shuffle board. Make a large triangle and divide it up like this – draw three lines across the triangle to divide it into four ‘zones’ In the top triangular apex write ’10’, in the level below write ‘8’, in the next layer ‘7’ and ’10 off’ in the bottom layer. You now have your score board ready. The aim of the game is to stand facing the pointed apex of the board and push a disk with a stick onto the board to score points. The disc is knows as a biscuit so you can either use a packet of digestives on the kitchen table or make a longer lasting disk from the bottom of a fizzy drink bottle and weighting it down with some sand or pebbles and covering the top. Now in turn each player pushes their disk with a stick into the scoring zone. The next player tries to get their disk into the zone and knock the first player’s out. The basic strategy involves deflecting the opposition’s biscuits out of zones with a positive value, and increasing one’s own points by landing disks into areas of a high point value. At the end of the round see whose disks are in each zone and keep score. The points are awarded depending on the number on the board, so 10, 8, 7 or if it’s in the bottom section you take away 10 points.


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